Christian Social Services Commission

The Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC) is an ecumenical body jointly established by the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) and the Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT) in 1992 to facilitate social services, with the main focus on education and health services provided by member Churches. It is the largest ecumenical organization in Tanzania, working under more than 87 dioceses and provinces which own and manage about 42% of hospital health services, 56% of health facilities in rural areas, and more than 10% of education services in Tanzania.

What Matters To Us

Organizational Values



We serve all people impartially, regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, gender, or of any other discriminatory grounds.



We take responsibility for our actions, decisions and policies. We are accountable to those whom we serve, those who support our work and society at large. We also ensure good stewardship of the resources entrusted to us.



We uphold and respect the dignity of the human person. We provide services in a compassionate, thoughtful and respectful manner.



We maintain (personal and private) confidentiality of any information or knowledge obtained during the exercise of our duties with CSSC.



We are people of integrity in who we are and in what we do. We are sincere, upright and honest in our services and business with all our stakeholders. We endeavour by the Grace of God to be trustworthy in character and action.



We act in good faith and treat other people with dignity and respect, creating an environment that celebrates diversity.



We embody honesty, open communication, and the willingness to share information. We are upfront and visible about the actions that we take.


The CSSC head office is located in Dar es Salaam and operates in the whole country through its five zonal offices namely Northern located in Arusha, Eastern in Morogoro, Southern in Mbeya, Western in Tabora and Lake Zone in Mwanza. CSSC is made up of more than 119 Dioceses and Provinces of the member churches in Tanzania. The main aim is to improve the quality, accessibility and availability of health and education services to all regardless of color, race and faith and focuses mainly on remote areas

Organisation Structure

The organizational and management set up of CSSC consists of the Board of Trustees (BoTs) which is responsible for the efficient management of the assets and funds of the Commission. Board of Trustees comprises of eight members who are all citizens of Tanzania and have displayed high level of integrity and good standing. The BoTs has three principal organs namely the Annual General Meeting, the Executive Council and the Secretariat which support execution of the CSSC mandate and functions. Management and operations of the secretariat is being overseen by the Executive council, equivalent to Board of Directors which comprises of seven members who are all Tanzanians. Read More...
